Individual move
Side to side
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Date addedSat 2nd of May 1998 Views32767
Move number 8Move signal
Move description
Step away,
  • step together side by side turning a little clockwise (she goes anti-clockwise), elbow to elbow,
  • push down on left hand and step out to face,
  • step together side by side turning a little clockwise (she goes anti-clockwise), elbow to elbow,
  • push down on left hand and step out to face,
  • turn lady 360o clockwise
  • return lady 360o anti-clockwise.
  • You can kick and click your fingers to add a jivey feel.

  • Comments
    Not very entertaining move and even less interesting to watch. If you use this move don't bounce off her shoulders as it hurts. :| It may be obvious this is not my favourite move (!) but some people swear by it. There are some nice variations, ie Side to side seduce

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