Start this move by turning the lady 360o anti-clockwise (or execute it during an anti-clockwise turn of another move),
As lady exits her turn to face you, turn yourself -quickly- 180o anti-clockwise taking right arm in half nelson behind your back,
transfer lady's right hand into your left hand behind your back and raise left hand as you exit your turn and encourage lady to step forward and travel - turn anti-clockwise to face you. This is like a travelling return for her (if done correctly it looks like the lady does not stop turning).
Exit facing.
You have changed places.
This is a useful transitionary move, (not really a stand alone move as such) often used as part of a routine to add flashiness, or to break up a bout of 'Jiveblock' - the condition where a dancer ends up dancing the same few moves in succession and temporarily cannot think of anything different to break to sequence. This often occurs when a distraction has completely taken his mind off the routine, and once it happens, it can be difficult to get back to the .. ermm. program