| Move found in The Jive Treasure Box https://www.jivetreasurebox.com © Alan Mathers 2024 |
Class | Catapult |
Variation | recurring |
Hands | RH |
Signal | None |
| | | |
Contact | No trust | Type | Intermediate |
Level |
Rating |
Date added | Thu 16th of Dec 1999 |
Views | 671 |
Move number 115 | |
Move description
As Catapult - lady goes behind, lean, prepare, now it changes: rather than spinning lady to face at end, hold on to her hand with your left hand, turn her clockwise,as she exits to face, take her left hand out to the left and low preparing,push spin her 360o anti-clockwise and turn yourself 180o clockwise half a turn, you finish with your back to her,offer both hands behind your back and catch both her hands again and finish as standard catapult, or carry on forever until your shoes wear out. |