Individual move
First move
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Date addedSun 23rd of May 1999 Views15577
Move number 54Move signal
Move description
Step in taking lady's right hand and your left hand to your left shoulder,
  • step back on left foot and turn lady 180o clockwise and put left hand and her right hand to your right hip or thereabouts,
  • lady also steps back on her right foot at same time as you, mirror image,
  • step forward on left foot taking left hand back to your left shoulder, lady does mirror again,
  • push lady's left hip with right hand and raise left hand to turn lady clockwise,
  • return lady anti-clockwise.

  • Comments
    This is it! The original classic Ceroc move. OK, maybe just me, but this is so versatile and has so many variations, can be danced slow and sensually or rocked up with a lindy style / triple step, danced open and casually out to the side, both in perfect co-ordination or very formally as in a ball room hold with impeccable frame. OK, I've run out of cake here. This is serious.People this is now our most viewed move! Viva la First Move!

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