Individual move
Neck break
ClassNeckbreak Variationstraight add/remove favourite
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HandsLH SignalRH up flat
Date addedMon 17th of May 1999 Views4452
Move number 36Move signal
Move description
Step in side by side - right arm hovering over lady's left shoulder,
  • transfer lady's right hand to right hand turning her 180o clockwise and hold her left hand in left hand,
  • move right arm to left shoulder 'breaking her neck' in an anti-clockwise direction,
  • Turn the lady clockwise 180o out to face in a 2 handed cross hold (left on top),
  • Finish to taste
  • (for example two handed return raising both hands and letting go of left hand to end).

  • Comments
    Somewhat fortunately, this little move hasn't managed to live up to its name, at least not as far as I know . It is however a lovely move - pretty common and can be sliced and diced in several ways to make many different variations. Very useful and always in my repertoire somewhere.

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