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Specify the type of move you want to see using the options to the left:
Move finder basic - finds all moves of a certain class (such as those derived from first move, or manspin
etc) or all moves of a certain level - (easy, hard etc) and so on.
Move finder advanced - finds all moves with certain styles (drops, kicks, jivey etc). Applies to
those found in Move finder basic if set.
The moves found are shown here in a list.
Click on headings to sort by that column(ie name or date order).
Click on the name of a move to view the move description at the bottom of
the screen.
Icons on the right allow you to print the move or enter browse mode starting
with that move.
If you wish to start at a particular move and then browse through then Browse mode may be better. This will also allow you to view
several moves on a page.
See the help page at any time for more information. |
| Help: finder advanced
| Move finder advanced - finds all moves with certain styles (drops, kicks, jivey etc). Applies to those already found in Move finder basic if set.If and is selected, only those moves which have all the styles are shown. If or is set moves with any of the styles are shown. Buttons to the right: all - tick all styles. none - untick all styles. update - find moves based on new selection. To the right of the title next to help, there is an arrow. Clicking this arrow hides the options to give you more space. Clicking it again shows them again. If any are selected then -modified- appears on the title as well so you know some options are used in the search. |